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  1. Benjamin

    Days in the life of an intern/resident/registrar

    Once again, it's been a while. Last I updated I was 3 months into a 6 month run masquerading as a respiratory "advanced trainee". So far, that 6 month run has been the hardest job I've ever done in terms of learning curve, concurrent workload & supervising juniors. It turns out that the...
  2. Benjamin

    JCU JCU Medicine: Interview Discussion

    Hi Jaeminyjoo, The summary I wrote for the interview at the start of this thread is still very much accurate with the interview still focusing on why medicine / why JCU, teamwork and leadership experience, conflict & ability to cope in rural environments & then a discussion topic from a choice...
  3. Benjamin

    Internship: Queensland General Discussion

    Hi Mav, The QLD internship allocation process outside of Group A (domestic, Qld trained) allocations is a mixed bag. Essentially, QLD spots are allocated firstly to Group A applicants and then anything beyond that is a "merit" based system, i.e. if an interstate international student is a...
  4. Benjamin

    JCU JCU Medicine: General Entry Discussion

    Working off my phone so formatting might be a bit clunky. I can't find the specific quotas but have linked the relevant papers below. The original JCU rurality adjustment method is outlined in this 2001 paper by Dr. Hays -- -- it's available...
  5. Benjamin

    JCU JCU Medicine: General Entry Discussion

    Probably worth pointing out that the information this was based on is now >10 years old! I no longer have any idea how JCU discriminates between applicants. More recently there has been some scientific papers published by JCU where they mentioned specific quotas for specific MM2/3/4/5...
  6. Benjamin

    The Realities of Studying and Practicing Medicine

    If you re-read my comment you might notice that I actually am quite careful not to over-generalize. I completely avoided discussing the comparison between private enterprise and health and instead brought up only things that I have first hand experience with. To be honest, I don't really care if...
  7. Benjamin

    The Realities of Studying and Practicing Medicine

    Given we are in a realities of studying and practicing medicine thread, I probably should address this. The job is heavily recession proof in terms of maintaining a job, but is absolutely not recession proof in terms of inflation payscale adjustments. Queensland recently went to battle for our...
  8. Benjamin

    Earning Potential as a Doctor

    Selection bias is a bit of a thing in this context -- MSO predominantly is populated by people who are happy to be in medicine as a field as the forum is heavily geared towards getting into medicine. PagingDr probably offers a bit more of robust spread of opinion as it covers largely the...
  9. Benjamin

    JCU JCU Medicine: The Unofficial JCU Med Bible (Vol. 2)

    I don't have strong opinions about Mackay as I've never been to the hospital & know relatively few people who work there. I do know that it was / has been preferred by international graduates in the past due to a quietly spoken suggestion that if you do your medical student time there then you...
  10. Benjamin

    JCU JCU Medicine: The Unofficial JCU Med Bible (Vol. 2)

    Thanks for writing this up, Stapedius. Overall it reads much like my feelings post 4th year medical school at JCU - teaching provided by the university were largely inferior to actually learning on the ward (when it was available), the pathology lectures broke me and ultimately I abandoned...
  11. Benjamin

    JCU JCU Medicine: Interview Discussion

    Religious beliefs or political orientation do not provide an excuse for bigotry.
  12. Benjamin

    Days in the life of an intern/resident/registrar

    A fair bit has happened since I last posted, thanks for the reminder. COVID, new jobs, new cities, more COVID, bought a house, more COVID. Probably among the most important thing is that I resigned from a job because of bullying. The process wasn't easy and it has absolutely negatively...
  13. Benjamin

    The Realities of Studying and Practicing Medicine

    As with Crow, I worked anywhere from 20 - 30hrs a week during my 6 years of medical school. I dropped down in my final exam year and switched from hospitality to tutoring as it paid better and was more flexible. Hospitality jobs are generally a good fit - most of the shifts start after 4pm and...
  14. Benjamin

    Earning Potential as a Doctor

    I've not gone back in the necro-thread any further than 2 years but I couldn't find anyone saying this recently here. Care to elaborate on your concerns?
  15. Benjamin

    JCU JCU Medicine: General Entry Discussion

    When I last looked into this there actually wasn't anything I could find on the JCU website regarding bridging courses. I would recommend directly e-mailing the School of Medicine and then whatever you find out posting here.
  16. Benjamin

    The matter of Acronym vs Abbreviation

    I don't think this is an argument you want to make. To address the issue of semantics - even if you were technically correct you should realise there will be times in your career / life where you are absolutely 100% correct / do things perfectly and yet still get feedback that you have caused...
  17. Benjamin

    The Realities of Studying and Practicing Medicine

    Off-tangent from the rest of the thread but here goes anyway. There are a couple within the ICU but the reality is that most of them are not in regular use. A reasonable overview of AI / machine learning in the ICU is this article: Artificial Intelligence in the Intensive Care Unit Out of the...
  18. Benjamin

    JCU Student Reviews

    No medical school (as far as I know) covers the costs of moving to alternative clinical schools, i.e. from Townsville to Cairns etc. This is unfortunately a cost that you are expected to be able to bear on your own which certainly caused me a lot of difficulty during my medical school years. I...
  19. Benjamin

    Specialty Training Advice Requests

    The answer to this depends heavily on what specialty you are aiming for & the easiest answer is going to be to try and look at the C.V. marking criteria for specific training programs. In terms of research most of them have a time limit requirement, i.e. only research done in the last 5 years...
  20. Benjamin

    The Realities of Studying and Practicing Medicine

    Here on MSO you're probably only going to get a few opinions on this and for the most part they are quite highly selected. PagingDr has a yearly thread that is focused on interns & is probably pretty healthy to read through while you're a medical student - there are similar ones for residents...

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