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Aus Med and Dent Place Offers 2019 - Collated Data


LAST UPDATED: 07/02/2019, approximately 5pm

James Cook University - Medicine

Phone calls to some successful applicants on Jan 10th

7.00, BMP, intending to accept UNSW
6.70, CSP
99.75, CSP, intending to accept UNSW
99.65, RA2, CSP
99.55, RA3, BMP, second round
6.45, RA3, BMP
99.35, RA3
99.35, possibly rural, CSP
99.25, CSP
OP1, RA3
98.85, RA3
98.35, BMP
OP2, RA3
95.60, RA3

University of the Sunshine Coast - Provisional Medicine
Offers released via QTAC

99.70, second round

Email from admissions:
"Lowest ATAR for offer was 99.60"

University of Queensland - Provisional Medicine
Offers released via QTAC at 8.30AEST on 16/01/2019

219 (100th%ile) 98.45 + bonus points for maths, CSP, will be declining to attend UNSW
209 (99th%ile) 75/56/78, 99.70, CSP
204 (99th%ile) 62/65/78, 98.20 + bonuses, CSP
201 (99th%ile) 78/58/64, 99.50, CSP, hoping for Monash
200 (99th%ile) 99.50, CSP
194 (97th%ile) 66/62/66, 99.80, CSP, will be declining to attend UAdel
194 (97th%ile) 99.60, CSP
194 (97th%ile) 99.00, CSP
192 (96th%ile) S1 71, 99.65, CSP
191 (96th%ile) 69/52/70, 99.45, CSP, deciding between UQ and UTAS
96th%ile, 99.40, CSP, will be declining to attend Monash
189 (95th%ile) 67/54/68, 99.35, CSP, will be declining to attend UTAS
189 (95th%ile) 55/87/47, 99.55, BMP
188 (95th%ile) 63/58/66, 99.85, BMP, intending to accept Monash
187 (95th%ile) 60/54/73, 99.00, CSP, hoping for Monash second round, also has Curtin offer
184 (93rd%ile) 51/70/63, 97.75 + bonus points, BMP, second round, also considering UQ Dent

(95th%ile), 98.80, rural, BMP,
170 (80th%ile) 66/53/51, RA2, CSP, will be declining to attend Monash
77th%ile, 96.80, RA2, CSP
167 (76th%ile) 54/50/63, 99.20, RA2, CSP
71st%ile, OP1, RA3, EAS, CSP
159 (65th%ile) 53/60/46, 97.45, RA2, bonus points, CSP
153 (55th%ile) 56/58/39, OP1, RA2, CSP, second round

No first round offer from UQ
184 (92nd%ile) S1 65, OP1 + bonus points
183 (92nd%ile), 98.25 + bonus points

Email from UQ with cutoff information following first round QTAC offers:
"CSP: 189:67
BMP: 184:69
Rural: 158:51"

University of Queensland - Dentistry

191 (96th%ile), 7.00, declining for Med at WSU
190 (96th%ile) 78/55/56, 6.00, EAS
184 (93rd%ile) 97.75 + bonus points for LOTE and Maths
183 (92nd%ile) 7.00, will be declining for offer elsewhere

No offer yet:
179, 7.00
176, 7.00

Griffith University - Dentistry
UAC offers released in first January UAC round 11/01/19, and first QTAC January round 16/01/19

7.00 (PhD)
7.00 (1FTE)
7.00 (including transferred credits)
6.875 (current student can see offer in online student access, awaiting QTAC confirmation)
6.85, intending to reject for Adel Med offer

From Crow: A user has reported that the Griffith admissions team stated 6.875 as the cutoff for dentistry.

Griffith University - Provisional Medicine
UAC offers released in first January UAC round
QTAC offers released 16/01/19

99.95, Nathan
99.95, Gold Coast
99.95, Gold Coast
99.90, Nathan
99.85, Gold Coast, will be declining
99.85, Gold Coast, CSP
99.85, Gold Coast, CSP
99.80, Gold Coast, CSP
99.80, Nathan, CSP
99.75, Gold Coast, CSP
99.70, Nathan, CSP
99.70, Nathan, CSP
99.70, Nathan, CSP
99.70, Nathan, CSP
99.70, Nathan, CSP
99.70, Nathan, CSP
99.70, Nathan, CSP, NZ
99.65, rural, Gold Coast
99.35, rural, Gold Coast

Information provided by admissions in email to MSO user:
"Lowest ATAR Gold Coast: 99.75 -30 places
Lowest ATAR Nathan: 99.70 - 30 places."

University of New South Wales - Medicine
Local and rural offers released in first January UAC round.

219 (100th%ile) 93/62/63, 98.45, CSP
209 (99th%ile) 75/56/78, 99.70, CSP
208 (99th%ile) 68/70/70, 99.70, CSP
208 (99th%ile) 73/65/70, 99.70/7.00, CSP
204 (99th%ile) 62/65/78, 98.20, CSP
(99th%ile), 99.70, CSP
199 (98th%ile) 71/62/66, 99.60, EAS, CSP
199 (98th%ile) 67/62/70, 98.95, CSP, Kensington
193 (97th%ile) 71/50/72, 99.10, CSP
(97th%ile), 99.60, CSP, Kensington
190 (96th%ile), 88.70WAM, Port Macquarie, intending to accept JMP
187 (95th%ile) 60/70/57, 95.60, RA3, EAS, CSP, Port Macquarie
184 (93rd%ile) 63/58/63, 99.75, BMP
171 (81st%ile) 65/62/43, OP2/7.00, RA3, CSP
80th%ile, 6.00, rural, BMP
164 (72nd%ile) 48/54/63, 97.00, RA2, BMP, Kensington
159 (65th%ile) 53/60/46, 97.45, rural, BMP, Kensington

Joint Medical Program - Medicine
Local and rural offers released in first January UAC round

202 (99th%ile) 69/70/68, 4.75, rural, CSP, UoN
201 (99th%ile) 99.55, CSP, UNE
193 (97th%ile) 65/70/58, 6.10, rural, CSP, UoN, will be accepting WSU CSP from earlier round
192 (96th%ile) 69/62/61, 5.50, CSP, UNE
191 (96th%ile) 67/65/60, 7.00, BMP, UNE, interstate offer round
190 (96th%ile) 67/73/50, 88.75WAM, rural, CSP, UoN
188 (95th%ile) 58/67/63, 5.20, BMP, UoN
187 (95th%ile) 65/54/68, 5.50, UNE
185 (94th%ile) 60/70/54, 6.30, CSP, UNE
186 (94th%ile) 62/70/64, 5.85, CSP, UoN
184 (93rd%ile) 59/67/58, 6.00, CSP
180 (90th%ile) 58/62/60, 99.35, UoN, CSP, likely top up offer (interviewed Nov/Dec, offer received 7th Feb, 2019 via UAC)
180 (89th%ile) 58/65/57, 98.00, NZ, CSP, UNE
179 (89th%ile) 67/58/54, 99.95, rural, CSP, UoN
178 (88th%ile) 58/70/50, 5.50, rural, CSP, UNE
174 (84th%ile) 60/58/55, 5.50, CSP, UoN
171 (81st%ile) 58/62/51, 6.25, CSP, UNE, interstate offer round
170 (80th%ile) 66/53/51, 98.50, rural, EAS, BMP, UNE
168 (77th%ile) 56/58/54, 98.45, rural, CSP, UNE, will be accepting UTAS CSP
167 (76th%ile) 54/60/53, 99.20, rural, BMP, UNE
166 (75th%ile) 58/54/54, 6.50, BMP
166 (75th%ile) 58/50/58, 6.00, BMP, UNE
164 (74th%ile) 60/50/54, 96.40, rural, CSP, UoN, will be accepting WSU offer from earlier round
164 (74th%ile) 60/53/50, 99.05, CSP

Western Sydney University - Medicine
Rural offers released on December 20th, 2018.
Other offers released in first January UAC round.

221 (100th%ile) 73/73/75, 99.35, CSP
201 (99th%ile) 69/65/68, 7.00, CSP
200 (98th%ile) 65/77/58, 99.25, CSP
194 (97th%ile) 71/65/58, 6.10, BMP
193 (97th%ile) 67/58/68, 7.00, BMP
193 (97th%ile) 65/73/55, 99.60, BMP
193 (97th%ile) 65/70/58, 6.10, rural, CSP
(97th%ile), 5.75, GWS, CSP
191 (96th%ile) 67/65/60, 7.00, CSP
190 (96th%ile) 67/73/50, 88.7 WAM, rural, CSP
190 (96th%ile) 55/87/47, 99.55, BMP, will be declining
189 (95th%ile) 67/54/68, 99.35, GWS, BMP
182 (92nd%ile) 78/47/57, 99.40, GWS, CSP
181 (91st%ile) 60/65/55, 5.9, GWS, CSP (edited by A1, was 60/55/65)
180 (90th%ile) 53/73/54, 5.6, GWS, CSP
177 (87th%ile) 67/70/40, 6.19, GWS, BMP
175 (84th%ile) 65/65/45, 6.00, GWS, BMP
(80th%ile), 6.00, rural, BMP, second round offer
164 (72nd%ile) 56/58/60, 99.60, rural, CSP
164 (72nd%ile) 60/50/54, 98.20, rural, CSP
163 (71st%ile) 52/64/47, 6.80, rural, CSP
158 (63rd%ile) 56/56/46, 6.75, rural,

University of Sydney - Medicine

(86th%ile), 99.95, rejecting for Griffith Med
199 (98th%ile) 71/62/66, 99.60, E12, CSP

Charles Sturt University - Dentistry
Offers released 7.30am on 06th December, 2018

201 (99th%ile) 69/65/68, 7.00
181 (91st%ile) 53/62/66, 5.80
181 (91st%ile) 65/58/58, 98.00
(91st%ile), 6.85, intending to reject for UAdel med offer

169 (81st%ile) 60/58/51, 6.50, rural
63rd%ile, 99.35, rural, intending to decline
143 (39th%ile) 45/52/46, 6.10, rural

LaTrobe University - Dentistry
Offers released via VTAC 16/01/19

99.70, intending to accept Griffith provisional med
83rd%ile, 99.60

LaTrobe University/University of Melbourne - Provisional Medicine

164 (72nd%ile) 97.00, RA2, CSP

Monash University - Medicine
Some applicants able to log into Monash University immediately prior to release of offers on 16/01/2019

215 (100th%ile), 99.95, CSP, interstate
200 (98th%ile), 99.25, CSP
196 (98th%ile) 65/65/66, 96.50, SEAS, BMP
96th%ile, 99.40, ERC, CSP
189 (95th%ile) 65/54/70, 99.40, CSP
188 (95th%ile) 63/58/66, 99.85, CSP
187 (95th%ile) 65/62/60, 99.75, CSP
185 (94th%ile) 59/56/70, 99.70, CSP
183 (92nd%ile) 99.95, interstate
181 (91st%ile) 78/52/50, 99.50, CSP
179 (89th%ile) 67/58/54, 99.95, DRL, CSP
88th%ile, 99.05, CSP
172 (82nd%ile) 60/60/51, 99.10, CSP
170 (8oth%ile) 66/53/51, 98.50, RA2, SEAS, DRL, CSP
170 (80th%ile) 56/60/54, 99.35, Monash Guarantee (boosted ATAR to 99.95), CSP
169 (79th%ile) 50/67/57, 96.70, RA3, CSP
167 (76th%ile) 54/50/63, 99.20, rural
164 (74th%ile) 60/50/54, 96.40, rural, CSP
164 (72nd%ile) 55/52/57, 98.65, CSP (s0me confusion about whether this applicant has special considerations or not - Monash have some that the applicant may not be aware of)

University of Tasmania - Medicine
Initial offers released on the evening of November 9th, 2018. Local school leaver offers released 19-21st December, 2018. Interstate school leaver offers released 21st December, 2018.

221 (100th%ile) 73/73/75, 99.35, CSP, interstate school leaver
219 (100th%ile) 93/62/63, 98.45, CSP, interstate school leaver, intending to accept UNSW CSP
208 (99th%ile) 68/70/70, 99.70, CSP, interstate school leaver
204 (99th%ile) 62/65/78, 98.20, CBP, interstate school leaver intending to accept UNSW CSP
200 (98th%ile) 65/77/58, 99.25, CSP, interstate school leaver
198 (98th%ile) 73/67/58, 99.00, CSP, interstate school leaver
197 (98th%ile) 67/58/72, 99.70, BMP, interstate school leaver
194 (97th%ile), 99.00+, CSP, interstate school leaver, intending to accept UQ
193 (97th%ile) 65/58/70, 99.85, CSP, interstate school leaver
193 (97th%ile) 65/73/55, 99.60, CSP, interstate school leaver, intending to accept WSU BMP
193 (97th%ile) 69/54/70, 99.60, CSP, interstate school leaver
191 (96th%ile) 69/52/70, 99.45, CSP, interstate school leaver
189 (95th%ile) 65/54/70, 99.40, CSP, interstate school leaver
189 (95th%ile) 67/54/68, 99.35, CSP, interstate school leaver, intending to accept WSU BMP
189 (94th%ile) 59/56/70, 99.70, CSP, interstate school leaver
188 (95th%ile) 63/58/66, 99.85, CSP, interstate school leaver, intending to accept Monash
187 (95th%ile) 65/62/60, 99.75, CSP, interstate school leaver, intending to accept Monash
184 (93rd%ile) 63/58/63, 99.75, CSP, interstate school leaver, intending to accept UNSW BMP
183 (92nd%ile) 55/62/66, 99.85, BMP, interstate school leaver
180 (90th%ile), 99.80, BMP, interstate school leaver

187 (95th%ile) 60/70/57, 95.00+, RA3, CSP, conditional
186 (94th%ile) 67/56/63, 96.75, RA2, CSP, interstate
175 (85th%ile) 56/56/63, 98.85, RA2, conditional
170 (80th%ile) 97.00, RA2, CSP, interstate, conditional
169 (79th%ile) 50/67/57, 96.70, RA3, interstate
168 (77th%ile) 56/58/54, 98.45, RA2, CSP, interstate
168 (77th%ile) 56/56/55, 95.00+, RA2, CSP, interstate, conditional
163 (71st%ile) 55/47/51, OP3+, RA3, BMP, interstate, conditional
150 (50th%ile), 96.45, RA3, CSP, local

BHealth student, indigenous pathway (offer received Nov 30th)

60th%ile, GPA above 6.00, BMedRes year 1, BMP

University of Tasmania - Guaranteed Entry Pathway via BMedRes

93rd%ile, 96.00
86th%ile, 99.35

University of Adelaide - Medicine
Offers released gradually by SATAC on 15/01/19

100th%ile, 98.45, CSP, will be accepting UNSW offer
99th%ile, 99.70, CSP, will be accepting UNSW offer
99th%ile, 99.50, CSP, will be accepting UQ offer
98th%ile, 99.25, CSP
98th%ile, 98.85, BMP, will be accepting UNSW offer
97th%ile, 99.80, BMP
97th%ile, 99.60, BMP, will be accepting WSU or UNSW offer, upgraded to CSP in second round
96th%ile, 99.60, BMP
96th%ile, 99.45
188 (95th%ile) 63/58/66, 99.85, CSP, intending to accept Monash
185 (94th%ile) 75/54/55, 99.40, CSP, intending to defer
184 (93rd%ile), 99.75, BMP, intending to accept UNSW, offered on 07th Feb, 2019
184 (93rd%ile), 97.25, RA2, CSP, second round
92nd%ile, 99.95, BMP
92nd%ile, 99.90, EAS, BMP
92nd%ile, 6.75, tertiary transfer, BMP
91st%ile, 99.70, CSP
91st%ile, 6.85, tertiary transfer, BMP
181 (91st%ile), 99.50, BMP, intending to accept Monash
90th%ile, 99.95 with EAS, BMP
80th%ile, 98.50, EAS, RA2, CSP
168 (77th%ile), 98.45, BMP, second round, intending to accept UTAS
76th %ile, 99.20, RA2
75th%ile, 6.75, tertiary transfer, BMP
74th%ile, 96.4, RA2, BMP, third round offer
63rd%ile, 99.35, RA3, BMP, intending to accept JCU
145, 98.85, RA3, CSP

University of Adelaide - Dentistry
Offers released gradually by SATAC on 15/01/19

92nd%ile, 7.00
89th%ile, 98.00
84th%ile, 99.75/6.90
84th%ile, 98.50
83rd%ile, 99.60

Flinders University - Provisional Medicine
Offers released gradually by SATAC on 15/01/2019

209 (99th%ile) 75/56/78, 99.70+EAS, CSP, deciding between offers at UQ and UNSW
(92nd%ile), 99.90, EAS, CSP, will be declining for UAdel offer
179 (89th%ile) 67/58/54, 99.95, rural, CSP, will be declining for offer elsewhere
163 (71st%ile) 58/58/47, 99.95 with UES, rural, CSP
163 (71st%ile) 54/54/55, 99.95 with UES, CSP
159 (68th%ile) 53/53/53, 99.95 with UES, CSP

University of Western Australia - Provisional Medicine
Local offers released 20th December, 2018

190 (96%ile), 55/87/47, 99.55
176 (86th%ile), 55/60/61, 99.85
164 (72nd%ile), 54/50/60, 99.60
158 (63rd%ile), 63/42/53, 99.75

187 (95th%ile), 65/65/57, 99.35, rural

58th%ile, 98.60, Broadway Program

University of Western Australia - Dentistry

191 (96th%ile) 69/52/70, 99.45
183 (92nd%ile), 99.90, interstate
85th%ile, 99.10
170 (80th%ile) 60/60/50, 99.50

Curtin University - Medicine

96th%ile) 99.60, CSP, intending to accept UAdel
191 (96th%ile) 69/52/70, 99.45, CSP, WA local choosing between this and UTAS
187 (95th%ile) 60/54/73, 99.00, CSP, hoping for Monash second round, also has UQ offer
183 (92nd%ile) 69/56/58, 99.90, CSP
177 (87th%ile), 99.90, CSP
176 (86th%ile) 58/54/64, 98.95, EAS, CSP
80th%ile, 6.00, rural, CSP
145, 98.85, RA3, CSP
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Curious as to why this person is the only one to have received a bonded UTas offer?

I think there have been three, actually. But this person in particular has confirmed they accidentally only applied for BMPs at UTAS, not realising it was two separate course codes to apply for both CSP and BMP.
Sorry, I was a bit fried from excitement when I put my results in! (I put in my 2017 UMAT in by mistake). The JMP 5.85 is a 94%ile 186 (62,70,54). Also, the offer was for UoN. Sorry again about the huge difference!
Sorry, I was a bit fried from excitement when I put my results in! (I put in my 2017 UMAT in by mistake). The JMP 5.85 is a 94%ile 186 (62,70,54). Also, the offer was for UoN. Sorry again about the huge difference!

Fixed, kind of. I also need to move you up a spot in the order (by UMAT), but that’s a pain to do on my phone so I’ll shift it later. Thanks.
Thanks for all your hard work collating so many so many stats.
Would you be updating this "Aus Med and Dent Place Offers 2019-Collated Data" soon ?
Thanks for all your hard work collating so many so many stats.
Would you be updating this "Aus Med and Dent Place Offers 2019-Collated Data" soon ?

Probably on Thursday. I last did it on Monday, I think. There have been some Curtin offers posted since then (and a few other randoms). If I have time, I’ll try and get to it tomorrow.
does anyone know how much time does SATAC gives to either Accept or Reject the offer..
I guess it will be just before next offer round but may be incorrect>>
does anyone know how much time does SATAC gives to either Accept or Reject the offer..
I guess it will be just before next offer round but may be incorrect>>
I received an offer on the 24th of Jan and was given until the 30th of Jan to respond and enrol (if I accepted)
[MedStudentsOnline.com.au] Aus Med and Dent Place Offers 2019 - Collated Data Yo is this correct?

Weird how my 62/58/58 combo (s1+s2=120, s1+s2+0.1s3 = 125.8) didn’t get an interview while this person’s s1+s2=115, s1+s2+0.1s3 = 121.5 got a spot

Im GWS btw

(Also the scores add up to 180 but it says this person has a score of 182)
Weird how my 62/58/58 combo (s1+s2=120, s1+s2+0.1s3 = 125.8) didn’t get an interview while this person’s s1+s2=115, s1+s2+0.1s3 = 121.5 got a spot
Im GWS btw
(Also the scores add up to 180 but it says this person has a score of 182)

Sorry for the bad news, this entry in the interview invites thread seems to match this applicant
181 (91st%ile) 60/65/55, 5.90, GWS, 125, 130.5

I will edit the top post to reflect this.
Sorry for the bad news, this entry in the interview invites thread seems to match this applicant
181 (91st%ile) 60/65/55, 5.90, GWS, 125, 130.5

I will edit the top post to reflect this.
Haha no need for the sorry. It’s all good :)
Hi LMG, I note that you list the GPA for Curtin in your post, but Curtin does not look at GPA
Most tertiary applicants probably wouldn’t know their assessment rank (is that what they call it?) for Curtin unless they specifically asked for it, so GPA is probably the next best thing for reporting Curtin offers, right?
This offer in particular is a Curtin course switcher (has not graduated yet) with a 5 point bonus for rural. Curtin course switchers are ranked by their course weighted average. Just clarifying so future applicants do not get the impression GPA 6 is enough in general
164 (72nd%ile), 65/50/60, 99.60

The numbers don't add up on this UWA offer... 65+50+60 = 175 not 164. If his section scores are correct, i find it hard to believe that 1 more mark would push his percentile from 72 to 86 (the guy above him got 176 and an 86th percentile).
164 (72nd%ile), 65/50/60, 99.60
The numbers don't add up on this UWA offer... 65+50+60 = 175 not 164. If his section scores are correct, i find it hard to believe that 1 more mark would push his percentile from 72 to 86 (the guy above him got 176 and an 86th percentile).

Thanks for pointing that out. There's only one 99.60 in the UWA offer list and in another thread a UWA 99.60 showed their UMAT scores as 54/50/60. I have edited the entry above.
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